Brooklands accommodates 29 residents for long and short term nursing care. It has a full sized passenger lift able to accommodate wheelchairs. Qualified staff are on duty 24 hours a day and provide a high standard of professional care. Commitment to quality care is supported in- house by both internal and external trainers. A nurse call system is in place, which enables the resident to call for assistance at any time.
Standing in it’s own extensive grounds on the Ashdown Forest Brooklands provides its own peaceful and serene feel.
Commitment to quality care is supported by fully trained & qualified staff 24/7.
Qualified staff are on duty 24 hours a day and provide a high standard of professional care.
Each month we try to send Newsletters to Resident families with activities & news. Click here to read out July Newsletter.
Each month we try to send Newsletters to Resident families with activities & news. Click here to read out June Newsletter.